Call to action
A call to action is text in a container or paired with an icon that directs users to new pages. Depending on the link, content, and hierarchy, a call to action can be used on its own or grouped with other calls to action.

- Text label
- Container
- Border
- Icon
Calls to action are available in both light and dark themes.
Light and dark themes

Property | Light theme | Dark theme |
Color - Primary text | #FFFFFF | #FFFFFF |
Color - Primary surface | #EE0000 | #EE0000 |
Border radius - Primary | 4px 0.25rem |
4px 0.25rem |
Color - Secondary text and border | #151515 | #FFFFFF |
Border radius - Secondary | 4px 0.25rem |
4px 0.25rem |
Border width - Primary | 1px 0.0625rem |
1px 0.0625rem |
Color - Brick text | #0066CC | #73BCF7 |
Color - Brick border | #C7C7C7 | #707070 |
Border radius - Brick | 4px 0.25rem |
4px 0.25rem |
Border width - Brick | 1px 0.0625rem |
1px 0.0625rem |
Color - Default text and icon | #0066CC | #73BCF7 |
The Brick variant includes a slot for an icon as well as an extra orientation.

Property | Light theme | Dark theme |
Color - icon | #707070 | #A3A3A3 |
Video variants
Primary, Secondary, and Default variants include a slot for a video icon. The video icon is the same color as the text label.

White variants
Dark theme includes white variants if other variants are duplicative or if they violate accessibility guidelines.

Property | Current Value |
Color - Primary text and icon | #151515 |
Color - Primary surface | #FFFFFF |
Border width - Primary | 4px 0.25rem |
Color - Default text and icon | #FFFFFF |
All calls to action with a container have the same border radius, but the height and width vary based on the presence of icons and the amount of content. Calls to action in a row are horizontally centered.

Space values are the same on all breakpoints for calls to action. To see space values when calls to action are grouped, go to the Guidelines page.

Example | Token | Description |
8 | --rh-space-md | 8px spacer |
16 | --rh-space-lg | 16px spacer |
24 | --rh-space-xl | 24px spacer |
Interaction states
Interaction states are visual representations used to communicate the status of an element or pattern.

Property | Light theme | Dark theme |
Color - Primary surface | #BE0000 | #BE0000 |
Color - Primary (white) surface | N/A | #E0E0E0 |
Color - Secondary text | #FFFFFF | #151515 |
Color - Secondary surface | #151515 | #FFFFFF |
Color - Brick text | #004080 | #73BCF7 |
Color - Secondary text and border | 151515 | #FFFFFF |
Text decoration - Brick text | Underline | Underline |
Color - Brick surface | #F2F2F2 | #292929 |
Color - Default text | #004080 | #73BCF7 |
Color - Default (white) text | N/A | #C7C7C7 |
Helpful tip
The Focus state has the same styles as the Hover state.

Property | Light theme | Dark theme |
Color - focus ring | #0066CC | #73BCF7 |
Helpful tip
The Active state has the same styles as the Hover state.

Property | Light theme | Dark theme |
Color - focus ring | #0066CC | #73BCF7 |
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